Focus on Supplementary Pension: The Bonus Benefit

If you had already retired with CAR as your basic scheme and with AGIRC-ARRCO as your supplementary scheme by 31 December 2023, you are eligible for a bonus benefit.
What Is the Bonus Benefit for AGIRC-ARRCO Retirees
The bonus benefit is an allowance paid annually by CMRC, in the form of a bonus.
This benefit is in addition to the supplementary retirement pension already paid by AGIRC-ARRCO, according to a calculation method set out in the law.
How to Apply
If you are eligible, you will receive an application form directly from May 2024.
This will be sent to you by post or e-mail, depending on the contact option you have chosen.
What supporting documents do I need to provide
Documents to Provide:
1- Application Form for a Bonus Benefit:
The form must be returned to the Service Retraite, duly completed and signed:
confirming that you receive an Agirc-Arrco retirement pension
- for beneficiaries of a direct pension: if you had the status of "executive" or "assimilated manager" during your career in Monaco
- for beneficiaries of a survivor's pension: if your spouse had "executive" or "assimilated manager" status.
Important: Do not return the form until you have the supporting documents required for your application to be processed.
You can send your complete application to us until October 2025.
2- Supporting Documents:
The form must be accompanied by supporting documents for each of these subjects:
- To prove the status of Agirc-Arrco retiree: a certificate of receipt of a supplementary retirement or survivor's pension from the ARRCO, AGIRC, or AGIRC-ARRCO schemes;
- To prove status as a "manager" or "assimilated manager", if applicable: proof of status as a manager if you receive a direct pension from AGIRC-ARRCO or your spouse's status as a manager if you receive a survivor's pension from this organisation.
You are only asked for these supporting documents once at the time of your application. It will not be necessary to submit them every year.
Good to Know: If you are having difficulty logging in to your AGIRC-ARRCO Personal Space to obtain your supporting documents, you can contact the organisation:
- by telephone on 0970 660 660 from Monday to Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. (non-surcharged call)
- or by making an appointment at the Nice Retirement Advice Agency: 16, rue Paul Déroulède 06000 NICE (open from Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 12 noon and from 1 to 4:30 pm).
How to Send My Benefit Application:
1- From Your Member’s Personal Space
You can send the form with supporting documents from your Personal Space on the website of the Monaco Social Security Funds:
Menu Procedures > Send documents > Benefits > Retirement > Bonus benefit
2- By Post
You can also send us your complete application by post to the following address :
Caisses Sociales de Monaco
Service Retraite
11 rue Louis Notari
98000 MONACO
Your complete application must be sent to CMRC within a maximum of 18 months from the date the form is sent by Service Retraite. No application may be submitted beyond this period.
How is the Amount of This Benefit Calculated
To calculate the amount of the bonus benefit, a number of bonus points is determined in the first year.
Each year, the amount of the bonus is calculated as follows:
(Number of bonus points) X (Number of months of receipt of CAR retirement pension during the reference year)(1) X (Monthly value of the bonus point)
The monthly value of the bonus point is set annually by Ministerial Decree. For the year 2024, it is set at 0.006675 euros.
It corresponds to:
(1) For the first financial year, which ends on 30 September 2024, the number of months of receipt of CAR retirement pension corresponds to the period from January to September 2024 and is capped at 9.
What Are the Payment Methods
The supplementary retirement pension bonus benefit is paid annually before 30 November following the end of the financial year.
Exceptionally, the first payment – for the year 2024 – may be made in the course of 2025 if the examination of the application submitted so requires
The bonus benefit is paid by transfer to the same bank or post office account used for CAR pension.
For more information on the bonus benefit: