The Monegasque Supplementary Pension Fund (CMRC): Understanding the essentials

Are you affected by the new Monegasque Supplementary Pension Fund? We're here to help you understand the basics of how it works.
Known as the “Caisse Monégasque de Retraite Complémentaire” (CMRC), it will be backed by the Caisses Sociales de Monaco.
It thus complements the Principality's retirement insurance system and will improve Monaco's social model.
Its management will be tripartite like the basic scheme (CAR), with boards of directors made up of representatives of employees, employers and the Government.
It mainly concerns employees in the private sector:
- who work or have worked in Monaco,
- who have worked in Monaco and who will retire from January 1, 2024.
The CMRC will take over the management of all periods of activity in Monaco of private sector employees working or who have worked in Monaco and who have not yet asserted their pension rights with Agirc-Arrco.
If you have had a mixed career, your periods of activity in France will continue to be managed by Agirc-Arrco.
In the same way that you had retirement points, managed by Agirc- Arcco , you will have a points account managed by the CMRC. All of your points will be transferred to the CMRC on January 1 , 2024. The transfer of points is based on a simple rule: 1 Agirc-Arrco point = 1 CMRC point.
You maintain a local service with a local point of contact, and access to all of your personal information concerning your retirement.
- To find out more, you can consult our FAQs which will give you the answers to your most frequently asked questions.